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Event Series Event Series: Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering

February 16 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

A place to learn about Christ and give him thanks 

We love to get together on Sundays! We have lots of groups during the week, but Sunday is our time to come together as one.

What can you expect at Kumeu Baptist?

Well first up we begin our time with morning tea and coffee as we get to know one another. When you first arrive a few people will say hello and you are welcome to come into the hall, grab a coffee, take a seat, stand and chat, whatever works until we call everyone together around 10:15.

We love to sing in our worship, followed by celebrating what God is doing in our lives (we celebrate the big and small things!). We might do something a little creative to share the focus of the service too so join on in, laugh and encourage those who are up the front! We then invite the children and intermediates to head out to a classroom for their own teaching (usually the same topic as the sermon).

We love the Bible at Kumeu Baptist so you can expect teaching directly from the Bible (if you would like a Bible we would love to gift you one and have some on the back table). Afterwards we spend some time reflecting on what was taught and how that applies in our own life. This might look like discussion, sharing, prayer, quiet or any number of things. We finish with a song praising God and a blessing for our week.

Some practical information: We meet at Huapai District School. Come up Trigg Road and turn into the school drive after number 41 Trigg Rd. There are 42 carparks up the drive you can park in. We meet in the school hall and you will see it open and people mingling about. If you are running late? Still come! Our doors are open as wide as Jesus’ arms.


February 16
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Huapai School
40 Station Road
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