The movie is rated M and the interview is not recommended for children.
Suggested Koha $5
About Sarah SCOTT WEBB
Sarah serves with SIM and co-leads their global anti-trafficking ministry, “For Freedom.” She has been involved in anti-trafficking work since 2005, when she volunteered in Cambodia as a music therapist with young girls who had been rescued from brothels. At “For Freedom”, she helps missions workers and teams prevent trafficking in their communities and include protective anti-trafficking measures into their existing ministry work. Sarah also serves with the World Evangelical Alliance as an anti-trafficking specialist, and is on the leadership team for the World Freedom Network. Her lastest project is to establish an Oceania Freedom Network, mobilising Christians in our region to respond to the trafficking and exploitation happening here. Sarah has a Post Grad Diploma in Applied Theology, focusing on theological issues surrounding modern day slavery, and a Masters in International Relations, specialising in the legal, cultural and gender issues surrounding human trafficking.