Missions Lunch
278 Matua Road 278 Matua Road, Kumeu, New ZealandMissions Lunch You are invited to Raewyn's to hear more from our visiting missionaries. Bring a plate to share and questions to ask.
Missions Lunch You are invited to Raewyn's to hear more from our visiting missionaries. Bring a plate to share and questions to ask.
Movie screening and interview with Sarah SCOTT WEBB from 'For Freedom' The movie is rated M and the interview is not recommended for children. Suggested Koha $5 About Sarah SCOTT WEBB Sarah serves with SIM and co-leads their global anti-trafficking ministry, “For Freedom.” She has been involved in anti-trafficking work since 2005, when she volunteered in Cambodia as a music ... Read More
MISSION MOVIE FILM NIGHT The movie is rated M and the interview is not recommended for children. Home Screening Sunday 16 June From 6.30pm at 278 Matua Rd Koha $5 for popcorn & ice cream
Send Me Where No One Wants To Go (the Carole Ward Story) Home screening to raise money for missions and consider where is God sending you. From 6.30pm at 278 Matua Rd Koha appreciated of $5. Snacks available.
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot Home screening to raise money for the overseas missionaries we support. From 6.30pm at 278 Matua Rd Koha appreciated of $5. Snacks available.